Letter to Kiss 100’s CAROLINE MUTOKO ……your posts are like Verbal Diarrhea

“I trust this letter finds you well.

Being a public figure comes with a lot of responsibility. Too often, most individuals privileged to be in the limelight are seldom ready to act responsibly. At this epoch of unregulated social media activities, most of us make big fools out of ourselves. I don’t mean to sound rude, but its not fair when your typing speed goes faster than your thinking pace. Especially, when the facebook/twitter post can be equated to nothing less of verbal diarrhea. When it rubs the masses in a wrong way. When you are a celebrity, media personality, hold a high public office or make a common appearance in the media by default you hold a position of trust to the public at large. Any abuse of the same ought to receive public contempt; in most cases it is the same public that uplifted you to that status.

When the Government of Kenya suggested that the media should be regulated most media houses took to the streets. Media freedom is a prerequisite but when your employees can’t uphold basic decency, keep copy pasting from international scenes, do shoddy reporting, make unverified statements and can’t handle their social media accounts then regulation is an option. There is an agency relationship when one is employed by a media house. You are under their umbrella. Why am I saying all this ? Miss Radio Queen aka Caroline Mutoko. One minute you are so sensible, the next minute you seem possessed by the spirit of confusion, depression and self-obsession. I respect you, very much. At times you make a lot of sense. But must someone remind you, you are just a presenter at a local radio station! As per now history has no valid reason of remembering you.

There is a time I heard an altercation between Mike Sonko and you. Do you sometimes feel like you can walk on the sky, without wings? Question anyone in any way you feel? You have no respect at all? Though both of you were at fault, you initiated the misunderstanding. You don’t wake someone very early then demand for explanations with an authoritative tone. Again I ask, who are you ? The All and Sundry Chief Judge? Calm down Ma’am.”

Hillary Mokaya

from DAILY POST http://bit.ly/1jUdwBt

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