RUTO reveals why UHURU and him want hatemonger, MOSES KURIA, by hook or by crook

Sunday July 20, 2014 – Deputy President William Ruto has thrown his weight behind TNA’s Moses Kuria in the upcoming Parliamentary by-election scheduled for next month.

This comes despite Uhuru’s TNA being on the brink of disintegration with a good number of legislators from Central Kenya supporting TNA rival, Joseph Kamere, after Kuria rigged out their best choice of candidate, Joyce Nyumu.

Speaking in Gatundu South on Saturday, Ruto revealed why he supports Moses Kuria and why he wants him in Parliament by hook or by crook.

He said it is only Moses Kuria that can deal with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga by counter-attacking them every time they attack and that’s why President Uhuru Kenyatta and himself want him in Parliament.

Ruto noted that Kuria had proved himself capable of abusing and silencing Raila Odinga better than anyone else and that such a person would be a big asset to Jubilee as far as silencing the opposition is concerned.

“From where we sit, Uhuru and I are being disturbed by some madmen going round and  making noise for us with the so called ‘referendum’ and its only Moses Kuria who can handle them and put them in their place; they need Kuria to shut them up and that’s why we need him in Parliament,” said Ruto.


From DAILY POST | ULTA | Dominos | Michaels | JoAnn

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