Either give Governors 850 billion or be humiliated in referendum – RAILA tells UHURU/ RUTO

Monday August 4, 2014 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has warned President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, to increase allocation to Counties from the current 15% to 45% before the referendum for their own good.

Speaking over the weekend in Karachuonyo during the burial of former MP, Dr. Adhur Awiti, Raila said his referendum is unstoppable and will ensure Uhuru/ Ruto give Governors sh850 billion instead of sh226 billion they gave them recently or else they will face public humiliation.

The former PM warned Uhuru/ Ruto to stop spreading lies that sh226 billion allocated to Counties amounts to 43%.

He said Governors must get 45% of the current national budget which amounts to sh850 billion, not 43% of 2009/ 2010 national revenue which amounts to the sh226 billion.

The former PM urged Governors and Members of County Assemblies to join CORD in its push to increase allocation to counties through a national referendum because that is the only way to teach Uhuru/ Ruto a lesson they will never forget for trying to scuttle devolution.


From DAILY POST http://bit.ly/1o5nxwQ | ULTA | Dominos | Michaels | JoAnn

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