Look at the extent RUTO has gone just to bring down UHURU and his Government

Embattled Bomet Governor, Isaac Ruto, and his ilk are not done yet with President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, as far as their push for a referendum to increase allocation to Counties is concerned.
This is after Ruto and fellow Governors went an extra mile to literally bribe Members of their respective Counties to support their referendum against the wish of Uhuru/ Ruto’s Jubilee.
In a meeting held on Friday night in an exclusive restaurant in Nairobi’s Upper Hill, the Governors led by Ruto devised a strategy to reach out to MCAs with the referendum message to ensure it succeeds no matter what.
The Kenyan DAILY POST was reliably informed that in the new strategy to silence Uhuru/ Ruto on the referendum, Governors pledged to ensure MCAs run the proposed Ward Development Fund (WDF), which is equivalent to CDF that is run by MPs.
Other enticements include;-
–         MCAs will be given ward offices and staff fully paid by the County Government
–         Each MCA will be given personal security provided by county askaris
–         All MCAs will get their current unpaid allowances
–         All MCAs will have their current allowances increased
It is therefore highly unlikely that any MCA will reject the good offer by Governors to support their referendum, which is also being pushed by former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga.


From DAILY POST http://bit.ly/1vLccqI | ULTA | Dominos | Michaels | JoAnn

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