SHOCK to UHURU/ RUTO as 31 political parties join RAILA – KENNETH and MARTHA

Over 31 political parties in Kenya have joined the quest for a national referendum initiated by CORD leader, Raila Odinga.
The parties led by Narck Kenya of Martha Karua and Kenya National Congress of Peter Kenneth announced today that they have joined Raila Odinga’s quest for a national referendum.
The two made the announcement at Ufungamano House, Nairobi, where a movement dubbed Okoa Kenya was launched.
Speaking at the event, Karua urged the Jubilee Government to stop their arrogance and listen to voices of Kenyans.
The former Presidential candidate also said she will support electoral reforms, devolution and inclusivity in Government.
A number of civil society organizations have also joined the Okoa Kenya movement which is associated with Raila Odinga, former Vice President, Kalonzo Musyoka, and Bungoma Senator, Moses Wetangula. 
Others who have joined CORD coalition in the Okoa Kenya push include John Githongo and Richard Leakey.
The Okoa Kenya initiative is led by renowned lawyers; Kethi Kilonzo, Paul Mwangi, Beatrice Kituyi and many others.


From DAILY POST | ULTA | Dominos | Michaels | JoAnn

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