Former Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson backs sin-bin proposal.

Monday, November 17, 2014 – Legendary retired manager Sir Alex Ferguson has given the proposal to introduce sin-bins into Champions League football thumbs up.
The 72-year old, who called time on his 27 years in charge of Premier League giants, Manchester United, in 2013 is currently chairman of a forum of elite coaches under UEFA.
The Scot has now thrown his weight behind plans to introduce a 10-minute suspension in European games akin to Rugby.
Sin bins were introduced to rugby union in 2001 and are also commonly used in rugby league and ice hockey.
He told The Mirror

“I chair a forum of elite coaches that meet every year and I’m a member of the technical study group of the Champions League and the European Championship.
“So I’m still involved in football at the highest level. Right now we’re looking at the possibility of introducing sin-bins like they have in rugby – a 10-minute suspension during the match.
“But we want to be careful that somehow it isn’t exploited if it’s introduced.”
UEFA president Michel Platini came up with the idea as he believes would be fairer because that way the team a punished player is playing against would benefit from it, rather than the next team, after a series of accumulated yellows.
He said: 

“I would make it like rugby, punishing the offender with 10 or 15 minutes out of the game.
“It is an idea. Now it needs to mature and see if it really is good for the game. It is a proposal to be explored.
“That way, the benefit goes to the team he is playing against, in the same match, instead of a sanction by cards which is carried out against a third team, the next on the calendar.”

The Kenyan DAILY POST.


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